Where are we at with WORK?
WILL Stephen's Home get completed?
Since the start of the year we have had a handful of workers doing as much as they can, living on the premises and putting in long hours. The reason for so few worker? Those working for us, also have other ministries and the Lord is opening opportunities for them to expand. So that limits their availability to work for us, but let me share that the men working with us are a great team of guys.
Valic, who is installing doors is
having to do some creative work as our
doorways were not made according
to the plan, 10 centimeters taller than
they're supposed to be, so even with
the framework, there's a bit of a gap.
Needless to say, we’ve had our share of
“what happened here” and this is just
one more case. Gratefully, these guys
working with us are used to fixing one
another’s unique ways of building.
Our heating/water system is now
officially completed. Slava has spent
the past two months fixing what was
done incorrectly, installing a holding
tank for heated water, and making
sure everything is safe and hooked
up properly. For the second time,
the heating system in the home was
started up with the intent that it will
now function much more efficiently
and provide the sources needed so
our residence will stay warm. The
Lord is putting together a wonderful
team for PROMISE, with Slava as the
house father for these guys. Slava has
already blessed Stephen’s Home with his professional knowledge, patient
understanding, and persistence to
make sure PROMISE provides what’s
needed in this department.
Air conditioning units, four units
to begin with, were delivered then
installed within three days’ time by
a local pastor and his team of young
guys. With these few units, we’ve
focused on installing them in areas
of the home that will be lived in most
by the first round of young men we
move into the home. We are prayerful
that will be in May. With the virus and
quarantines around the world, we are
trusting the Lord in this timing.
Jennia, a general handy man, is a
blessing right now too. His work is
professionally done and he works from
sunup to sundown, going home only
on the weekends to see his family.
When there are jobs that Maxim,
Sashinka or I can do, we pitch in and
help out, but a good portion of our time
is spent obtaining the needed supplies
and having them delivered so the work
can go on. Thanks to Jennia, the main
hall is just about complete.
Tiles and laminate have now been placed on
the base of the wall. He completed all
the plastering in the Safari Bedroom
and prepared and primed the walls to
be painted. He’s finished framework
so that the guest bathroom can be
completed and next he'll complete the
tiling in utility room. After the kitchen
cabinetry is installed he will work on
completing the tile in that room.